March Break 2024
The Magic of wet felting:
Tuesday March 12th 10am - 12pm
$35 per person
Instructor: Christine Johnson
Watercolour Painting:
Wednesday March 13th 10am - 12pm
$35 per person ( 20% discount for staying guests)
Instructor: Marlene Schaly
Thursday March 14th 10am - 12pm
$35 per person ( 20% discount for staying guests)
Instructor: Marlene Schaly
Polymer Clay Sculpture:
Friday March 15th 1pm - 4pm
$50 per person
Instructor: Marlene Schaly
Prices includes material costs and taxes
For the wet felting children under 12 to be accompanied by an adult, for the other workshops children under 5 to be accompanied by an adult. If the Adult is not participation with their own project but just there to assist their own child then they are not charged a fee.